Placebo at Brixton Academy 28th September 2010
Placebo playing a set list from their range, starting with Nancy Boy, all the way through to finishing with Taste in Men.
Sharp viewers will note a lot of people on stage, which I think is their undoing: Every You Every Me lost it’s clean sound with the band trying to make use of everything at their disposal, and Taste in Men just wasn’t the same. Like a modern film that goes on too long (hello, Resident Evil IV), they could use some judicious editing. Don’t get me started how the bass line from the afore-mentioned was pre-recorded either.
Aside from that, the performance was superb: an excellent atmosphere, clowns firing t-shirts, and more nostalgia than I thought possible to contain in one venue (there were no ‘new’ fans, of that I’m sure: I think almost everyone there tonight was there when they opened with Taste in Men ten years ago at Brixton Academy).
Now if only they’d played Pure Morning…
A friend with breasts and all the rest, a friend who’s dressed in leather…
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